For a while there in 2001 Gladtree had the opportunity to put on a series of events at AVA Gallery in Lebanon, NH. The idea was to bring in new musical forms to the (slightly isolated) community, a sort of mind expander. Ah, life.
Phloyd Starpoli is a master musician. His control of his instrument (trombone) and his poise in front of an audience are of the kind everyone else is striving for. Tonight Phloyd dragged incredible sounds out of his horn. Bellowing and squakking, buzzing and twittering, he marched around the gallery and amongst the audience, forcing even the lazy into some kind of recognition. Wrestling guitar on this outing, Matt stunned and shunned the crowd with layers of raunch-fuzz and a cherry on top. True translations of the mind and emotion came leaping and crawling from his beleagered amp, only pausing for a second to catch their bearings before tearing through the gallery walls and running wild in the streets. Too bad you missed this one. |
The rest is from Blastitude #16 (January 2004): ...Next we play the small town of Lebanon, New Hampshire at the AVA Gallery. One of the guys from Son of Earth/Flesh on Bone set this show up. He's also made a giant taco salad for everyone. You could see the fear in his eyes as everyone descended on the free food like a pack of jackles and devoured the grub in what seemed like seconds flat. This show probably had the most mellow vibe. There were little kids and parents in attendance. The show opener is Frosting which is Tanya and Stephenia acting out a light hearted psycho-drama. I sell a lot of merchandise to my amazement. Some one gives us cookies and lemonade at the end of the night. Everyone seems to have had a lot of fun tonight. The locals seemed real receptive and generally enthused by our performances. Later on I find out that the gallery owners tell the promoter he's no longer welcome to book shows there. Show #12 Lebanon : Sunday 9/16/01 We found a place to dump on the way to Lebanon, NH. We also refilled our holding tank from a faucet labeled, "Danger, unsafe water." A journey through the wilderness brought us to Lebanon's AVA gallery. On the second floor, John Shaw had prepared a meal of chips and dips that we devoured before the show. Tanya sang from Die Fleidermaus while Stephania used paint and a scissors to try to kill her in a performance called Frosting to open the evening. Proportionally to Lebanon's size (population 12,000) our audience was tremendous, possibly in part due to our coverage on the front page of the entertainment section of the local paper, which included an encouragement for us to play funky music. The Phi-Phenomena lasted long enough and Unconditional Loathing used their five minute set to do two tributes to Cock ESP, one mime and one acapella, with a one minute intermission for cookies and juice in between. After the show we drove to Boston, where we stayed with Sam and Tim at Infrasound. Sam made a great breakfast featuring grits and potatos and we headed out to explore Cambridge... |
-CANCELLED- Try as we might, we never could find another venue for this show. This was at a crux position in Gladtree's development in the Upper Valley. This show was not the only one to meet this fate. Many others slated for the coming months were eventually scrapped as well. The sad thing about this show in particular was that all the press had already gone out, donations were secured, and the bands were ready to go. I hated to see Gladtree's series in Lebanon end on such a sour note. Are we to believe it was meant to be? |